Opening Hours


6:00AM to 1:00AM

※Mondays from 10:00am due to maintenance

  • Front Desk Opening Hours:10:00AM to 9:00AM

Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays

6:00AM to 1:00AM

  • Front Desk Opening Hours:8:00AM to 9:00AM

※Children under the age of 6 are prohibited to enter the driving bays and aisles


※All prices are tax included

Bay Fee


Ball Fees

Hours Per Ball
6:00AM to 3:00PM 13.8yen
3:00PM to 9:00PM 14.8yen
9:00PM to Last 13.8yen
Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays
Hours Per Ball
6:00AM to 0:00PM 14.8yen
0:00PM to 9:00PM 15.8yen
9:00PM to Last 14.8yen

All you can hit (2nd floor only)

Reception Time Price
10:00AM to 7:00PM 1,100yen/40minutes
Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays
Reception Time Price
8:00AM to 7:00PM 2,300yen/80minutes

Prepaid Card

Price Value
2,000yen 2,000yen
3,000yen 3,000yen
5,000yen 5,250yen
10,000yen 11,000yen

Other Fees

Rentals Price
Rental Clubs (6 Clubs Set) *1 500yen
Rental Shoes 300yen
Rental iPad (for Trackman use) FREE
Putting Green FREE
Bunker Range FREE

※1(Mens, Ladies, Lefties, Junior(5 clubs))
※Above fees will be charged from your prepaid cards. Rental clubs and shoes are only available during front opening hours.

Our Facilities

Driving Bay

Each spacious driving range bay (100 driving range bays in total) is furnished with an original wicker chair that offers complete comfort, enabling users to practice in a relaxed atmosphere. All of the driving range bays are fully equipped with auto tee-up systems and head speed display systems. You can use the Trackman device on all bays.


Our 230 yard Fairway.
Our strategically laid out target greens makes you feel like you are actually playing in a links course.
We are proud and confident to present to all golf lovers this carefully thought-out fairway.


Our bunker is designed to suit all situations. Bunker use is free of charge.

Putting Green

You are welcome to practice your putting skills on our green free of charge during our open hours.

Warm Up Room

Please feel free to warm up and/or cool down in this room. You may also purchase our prepaid cards here.

Maintenance Room

Our Maintenance Room is equipped with various exercise machines.


Location and Contact Information

9-2-5 Minatojima Chuo-ku Kobe 650‐0045